Want to find out more about JGU and the courses offered here and feel like a student for a day? Come figure out which subject is right for you, listen to thought-provoking lectures, get individualized advice, and soak up the sun in between!

At the university open house, each subject is represented at numerous events and activities on campus. There are specialist lectures, hands-on activities, guided tours of laboratories, and much more to experience.

Save the date: we cordially invite you to campus on June 26, 2024!

Are you a teacher and would like to visit the open house with your students? Simply register yourself or your school using the form. After registration, we will send you further information on how to get there and how to prepare your students.

Did you know? Registration for individuals is not necessary. Just drop by!

We look forward to seeing you!

Register for the university open house on June 26, 2024

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