As a rule, students are legally obligated to have statutory health insurance. This means you must either take out health insurance with a statutory health insurance provider or be exempted from this obligation by a statutory health insurance provider.

The following groups are exempt from the obligation to have statutory health insurance and can be enrolled without having to provide proof of health insurance as part of the health insurance notification procedure (Krankenkassenmeldeverfahren):

  • Participants in German language courses
  • Studienkolleg participants
  • Doctoral candidates

Since December 1, 2021, JGU has been exchanging information on the health insurance status of students with the statutory health insurance providers exclusively by electronic means. We have not accepted physical notifications since that date.

The health insurance providers send the following information to JGU:

  • Insurance status (M10; covered by statutory health insurance = M10.1, covered by private health insurance or otherwise exempt from statutory health insurance = M10.2)
  • Start of health insurance in the case of a change of health insurance provider (M11)
  • Defaulted payments of health insurance contributions (M12)
  • Payment of defaulted health insurance contributions settled (M13)

JGU sends the following information to the health insurance providers:

  • Start of studies and date of enrollment (M20)
  • End of studies – end date of the semester in which or after which exmatriculation takes place/took place (M30)