At Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) you have the opportunity to combine your studies with a stay abroad. Not only will you get to know other cultures and interesting people, you are also certain to have an invaluable experience that will broaden your personal horizons. We provide you with important information and assist you in planning your individual stay abroad.

Off you go to discover the world!

Whether you want to study, complete an internship, or go on a research trip, and whether you are joining a structured exchange program or doing it on your own – JGU offers a wide range of funding opportunities.

Seize the opportunity to gain experience abroad. JGU can help you go abroad on your terms to the destination of your choosing, suited to your studies – you won’t find a better time to do it. Browse through what we have to offer and find the program that fits you best. We are happy to advise you on everything else.

One or two semesters of studying abroad just isn’t enough? Then an international study program might be right for you. This means you would complete part of your studies abroad and in many cases even earn two degrees.

Before embarking on a stay abroad, you should have already settled into your studies at JGU. Some study regulations specify windows for stays abroad – such as required elective courses in the 4th or 5th semester. And if it is important for you to receive credit for your stay abroad, only your Academic Advisory Office can decide whether courses from your studies, internship, or language teaching assistant placement abroad can be credited towards your degree. You can also talk to your academic advisors about when a stay abroad would be particularly advantageous for you.

Be sure to start planning your stay abroad well in advance and inquire about application deadlines as soon as possible. Also, keep in mind that different programs have different application deadlines. For most scholarship programs, the earliest you can apply is in the 2nd semester of your bachelor’s degree program.

You are probably thinking about how you can pay for a stay abroad. In many cases, you can obtain financial support from scholarship programs. To give you the opportunity to study abroad regardless of your financial circumstances, JGU offers a number of scholarship programs and advising on financial aid, depending on the type of stay abroad and your academic progress.

When choosing your host country, you should keep in mind that you must be able to follow the courses and write exams/term papers, or, if you are doing an internship, you must be able to work effectively. So be sure to choose a host country where you have at least a basic command of the language. Even if courses are offered in English or German, for example, it is important for you to be able to communicate with locals. However, proficiency in the language of instruction or the language you will work in is even more important. If you are going abroad to study, already having sufficient proficiency in the language of instruction will help you follow lectures and complete coursework.
Want to improve your language proficiency first? JGU’s International Preparatory and Language Center (ISSK) offers free language courses in many contemporary foreign languages at various levels.
Alternatively, you can take a language course abroad.


Whether you are studying, doing an internship, or working as a language teaching assistant, the Academic Advisory Office for your subject is responsible for the recognition of coursework and exams completed abroad for a degree program that you will complete at JGU. In the subjects of Law and Medicine, the respective examination offices are responsible for this.

Recognition of foreign degrees

If you would like to have a degree or certificate earned abroad recognized for the purposes of continuing your studies at JGU, you can find more information here.

Grade conversion for recognition

The grading system at foreign universities generally differs from the grading system in Germany. This means that if grades are to be transferred and credited, they must first be converted. There are various options for conversion. Please contact the responsible Academic Advisory Office to find out whether the conversion is performed in accordance with the relevant examination regulations (for example, in the Mainz-Dijon degree programs or in Law), or whether the conversion is based on a grade distribution table in accordance with European Credit Transfer System guidelines.

You can get some insights into life in other countries and cultures from the perspective of students on the Studieren Weltweit website (in German).

Check it out for some inspiration!

Please note: Frequently asked questions are answered here, but the list is not yet complete. If you have any suggestions for us to add to the list, please send an email to You can also find additional sources of information on the list of contact points at JGU for your questions about studying abroad (for the accessible version, please contact

Please notice: The events take place in GERMAN! If you need informations to one of the listed topics in another language, please contact us oder come to consultation hour after making an appointment.

Other events will be published here.

Here you can download PDFs of the slides from past events (send us an email for an accessible version).

You can download a PDF overview (only in German available) of all dates here.